Tuesday, September 1, 2009

microprocesser project

Instruction Classes
§ Memory transfer.
§ Logical, Arithmetic &register transfer.
§ I/O instructions.
§ Branch instructions.
Design Specifications:
1) RISC Architecture.
2) Fixed length instruction code.
3) 16 bit instruction size.
4) 16 bit data word size
5) 16 bit internal architecture
6) Data Bus size = 16 bit
7) Instruction address bus size = Data address bus size=16 bit
8) lO address bus size = 4 bit

Instruction Format:
A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15
Ds: Data Segment Register : 4 Bit. CS: Instruction Segment Register : 4 Bit. IOR: IO Address Register : 4 Bit. 13 General Purpose Registers: 16 Bit.
Memory Addressing:
Addressing Modes:
§ Immediate Addressing mode.
§ Direct Addressing Mode.
The address is divided into two parts:
Segment: where the address is strored in the data segment register DS, Instruction segment register CS). Size: 4 Bit. Offset : where the address is supplied to store the store and load instructions. Size : 12 Bit.
Memory instructions:
§ Store word to memory.
§ Load word from memory.
1)Memory transfer class: While the Flag Data/mem = 0 the memory operations are done on the data memory, otherwise it is done on the Instruction memory.
A2 A3
A4 à A15

Reg. Address
Mem. Offset Address

A2 A3
A4 à A15

Reg. Address
Mem. Offset Address
A0 = 1 A1 = 1 à load data from the register to the memory. A2 A3 àAddress of source or destination register.
A2 A3
0 0
0 1
1 0
1 1
A4 à A15 àData Offset Address.
Data segment can be set by using the following instructions:
§ load A, Address
§ Move DS,A
The code segment can be set with the same way
If the next instruction needs new data from memory while this data is not available, the compiler can use Nop instruction to delay the execution.
2) Logical & arithmetic instructions:
These instuctions do not have memory operands.
A0 = 0 A1 =0 A2 A3 Not used A4 A5 A6 A7 è Opcode A8 A9 A10 A11 è source register A12 A13 A14 A15 è destination register
A2 A3
A4 A5 A6 A7
A8 A9 A10 A11
A12 A13 A14 A15
Not Used
Source register
Destination reg.

A4 A5 A6 A7
Symbolic opcode
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1
ADD with Carry
0 0 1 0
0 0 1 1
SUBtract with Borrow
0 1 0 0
0 1 0 1
0 1 1 0
0 1 1 1
1 0 0 0
1 0 0 1
SHift Left
1 0 1 0
SHift Right
1 0 1 1
ROtate Left
1 1 0 0
ROtate Right
1 1 0 1
1 1 1 0
1 1 1 1
No Operation
When Xor CS,CS is executed the Data/mem flag is complemented.
3) IO instructions: I have only 16 port with 16 bit word for each one.
A1 A2
A5 A6 A7
A8 -- A11
A12 -- A15
1 1
Address Mode
not used
Port Address
Word Address
Port Address is stored in IO Address reg. IOR.
A0 = 0 A1 A2 =2 A3 = 0 à immediate address stored in the source bits. A3 = 1 à address is stored in IOR. A4 = 0 à get word from port & store it in data field. A4 = 1 à send word to port from data field. A5 A6 A7 not used. A8 A9 A10 A11 à Immediate Address of the port ( This type of addressing violates the RISC Machine concept)
A12 A13 A14 A15 à The address of the register that contains the word.
IN A è get a word from port addressed by IOR, and store it in reg. A.
IN 10,A è get a word from port 10 and store it in reg. A
Out A è send the stored word in reg. A to the port addressed by IOR.
Out 10,A è send the stored word in reg. A to port 10.
4)Branch instructions:
A0 = 0 A1 A2 = 1 0 A3 A4 A5 A6 à Opcode. A7 à Far or Near branch ( change the contents of CS or not). A8 A9 àAddress of the register that contains the branch address. A10 – A15 ànot used.
A1 A2
A3 A4 A5 A6
A8 A9
A10 –A15
1 0
Branch Reg. Address
Not used
§ In the far branch the contents of the register is transferred to the Address bus, while in the near branch only the first 12 bits are transferred with the contents of the CS.
§ The compiler should insert Nop instructions after a branch instruction because the architecture uses a pipeline architecture.
Processor Units:
All Units work on the same clock ( in parallel )
§ Fetch Unit.
§ Decoder Unit.
§ Execute Unit.
§ IO Execution.
§ Branch Execution.
§ Memory Transfer Execution.
§ ALU Execution.
Only one of these sub units is active at a time.
Fetch Unit: This Unit fetches either the instruction from the Instruction memory Unit, data from the data memory Unit or Data from IO port.
Unsolved Problems:
1. Data transfer to Instruction memory.
2. Decoding Branch Instructions.
3. Decoding IO Instructions.
4. Execute ALU Instructions.
5. Data Bus sharing conflux between Memory Instructions and IO instructions.
6. Error during transferring data to the data memory.
7. Problem with incrementing the program counter due to unsolved problem with the VHDL langauge.

The VHDL program:
Entity UProcessor is
Port ( clk :In Bit;
--InstructionBus :Inout Bit_Vector( 0 to 15 ) ;
DataBus :Inout Bit_Vector( 0 to 15 ) ;
InstructionAddressBus :out Bit_Vector( 0 to 15 ) ;
DataAddressBus :out Bit_Vector( 0 to 15 ) ;
IOAddressBus :out Bit_Vector( 0 to 3 ) ;
WriteMem :out Bit
end UProcessor;
Architecture UProcessorBehavior of UProcessor IS
--logical & arithmetic opcodes
constant OP_ADD : bit_vector(0 to 3) := "0000";constant OP_ADDC: bit_vector(0 to 3) := "0001";
constant OP_SUB : bit_vector(0 to 3) := "0010";constant OP_SUBB: bit_vector(0 to 3) := "0011";
constant OP_MUL : bit_vector(0 to 3) := "0100";constant OP_DIV : bit_vector(0 to 3) := "0101";
constant OP_XOR : bit_vector(0 to 3) := "0110";constant OP_OR : bit_vector(0 to 3) := "0111";
constant OP_AND : bit_vector(0 to 3) := "1000";constant OP_SHL : bit_vector(0 to 3) := "1001";
constant OP_SHR : bit_vector(0 to 3) := "1010";constant OP_ROL : bit_vector(0 to 3) := "1011";
constant OP_ROR : bit_vector(0 to 3) := "1100";constant OP_NOT : bit_vector(0 to 3) := "1101";
constant OP_MOV : bit_vector(0 to 3) := "1110";constant OP_NOP : bit_vector(0 to 3) := "1111";
Signal A : Bit_vector(15 downto 0);Signal B : Bit_vector(15 downto 0);
Signal C : Bit_vector(15 downto 0);Signal D : Bit_vector(15 downto 0);
Signal E : Bit_vector(15 downto 0);Signal F : Bit_vector(15 downto 0);
Signal G : Bit_vector(15 downto 0);Signal H : Bit_vector(15 downto 0);
Signal I : Bit_vector(15 downto 0);Signal J : Bit_vector(15 downto 0);
Signal K : Bit_vector(15 downto 0);Signal L : Bit_vector(15 downto 0);
Signal M : Bit_vector(15 downto 0);Signal IOR : Bit_vector(3 downto 0);
Signal DS : Bit_vector(3 downto 0);Signal CS: Bit_vector(3 downto 0);
Signal PreIR : Bit_Vector(0 to 15) ;
Signal PC : Bit_Vector(0 to 11) ;
--This Register where the fitched data is stored
Signal DataReg : Bit_Vector(0 to 15);
--This flag determines which memroy to access ( data or Instruction)
--1 Memory Operation
--0 ALU Operation
Signal OpsType : Bit;
--1 Load from memory to register
--0 Store from register to memory
Signal MemOpCode : Bit;
--Address of the destination or source register
Signal MemOperand : Bit_vector(0 to 1);
--ALU Opcode
Signal ALUOpcode :Bit_vector(0 to 3);
Signal ReadWriteMem :Bit;
Fetch : Process
--variable PC : Integer;
wait until clk = '1';
-- if the last decoded instruction was an ALU instruction
if( OpsType ='0' ) then -- I can not check it now because the memory instruction is no executing now
PreIR <= DataBus; --Program counter must be incremented here.!!!? --ProgramCounter := PC + 1; --InstructionAddressbus(3 to 13)<= ProgramCounter ; --InstructionAddressbus(0 to 2)<= InstructionSegment ; elsif ( ReadWriteMem ='1' ) then DataReg <= DataBus; end if; End process Fetch; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Decode: Process Begin wait until clk = '1'; if PreIR(0) = '1' then --I have a memory transfer Instruction -- Can I load it here or before executing the instrution --Load the Data Address bus with the address DataAddressBus(4 to 15 ) <= PreIR(4 to 15); DataAddressBus(0 to 3 ) <= DS; OpsType <= '1'; --memory transfer Operation --Can I set the here? MemOpCode <= PreIR(1); MemOperand <= PreIR(2 to 3 ); --Non Memory transfer Instruction else --Arithmetic and logical Instructions case PreIR(1 to 2) is when "00" "01" =>
opsType <= '0'; case PreIR(4 to 7 ) is when OP_ADD => ALUOpcode <= OP_ADD; when OP_ADDC => ALUOpcode <= OP_ADDC; when OP_SUB => ALUOpcode <= OP_SUB; when OP_SUBB => ALUOpcode <= OP_SUBB; when OP_MUL => ALUOpcode <= OP_MUL; when OP_DIV => ALUOpcode <= OP_DIV; when OP_XOR => ALUOpcode <= OP_XOR; when OP_OR => ALUOpcode <= OP_OR; when OP_AND => ALUOpcode <= OP_AND; when OP_SHL => ALUOpcode <= OP_SHL; when OP_SHR => ALUOpcode <= OP_SHR; when OP_ROL => ALUOpcode <= OP_ROL; when OP_ROR => ALUOpcode <= OP_ROR; when OP_NOT => ALUOpcode <= OP_NOT; when OP_MOV => ALUOpcode <= OP_MOV; when OP_NOP => ALUOpcode <= OP_NOP; end case; --Jump Instructions when "10" => ALUOpcode(0 to 1) <= "10"; --IO Instructions when "11" => ALUOpcode(0 to 1) <= "11"; end case; end if; end Process decode; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ExecuteALU : Process ( clk, OpsType) Begin if( (clk ='1') and (OpsType = '0')) then A <= B; end if; End Process ExecuteALU; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ExecuteMemory :Process ( clk , OpsType) Begin if( (clk ='1') and (OpsType = '1')) then -- load instruction if( MemOpCode = '0') then WriteMem <='1'; ReadWriteMem <= '1'; case MemOperand is when "00" => A <= DataReg; when "01" => B <= DataReg; when "10" => C <= DataReg; when "11" => D <= DataReg; end case; --Store Instruction else WriteMem <= '0'; ReadWriteMem <= '0'; case MemOperand is when "00" => Datareg <= A; when "01" => DataReg <= B; when "10" => DataReg <= C; when "11" => DataReg <= D; end case; end if; end if; End Process ExecuteMemory; end UprocessorBehavior;

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